Saturday, December 17, 2011

Marketing… what cost??

Recently, I got a new number  for myself…I receive more number of calls and SMSs  from the service provider  than I actually use the number for…And its not only about the number of SMSs  and calls…its also about the content…they promise to provide 500 free wallpaper and video of hot babes whole month by clicking a particular link and many other unmentionable things…and what is annoying is the frequency with which these SMSs are sent….not to mention the cricket scores, jokes, astrology, news, quiz, chance to meet actors and actresses, chance to win money, car and what not…so much so that I don’t bother to see when my cell rings as I am pretty sure that it would be one of those mentioned above….and invariably I miss the call or don’t read the SMS for which I actually took the number…is it really worth it??

Monday, September 5, 2011

Increase Your Value & Achieve Greatness

Is there any short cut to increase value of our personality? No. You must work hard, in fact contribute more than what your colleagues. Ignite passion, be unorthodox than the common, create a separate road for yourself, have a specific goal, remove the shackles of complacency, have a fire in your belly attitude. Acquire skills no one has. Read books no one else is reading. Think thoughts no one else is thinking.

Or, to put it another way, you cannot have all that you want if you remain the person you are. Always remember that to get back more, you need to contribute more.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Make tuning up your attitude a priority

Many of us know when our attitude tanks but feel helpless to change.  Here are some techniques that I have found helpful:

Garbage in, garbage out.  As any technology nerd can tell you, if you load contaminated data into a computer, the resulting reports will be garbage. Your computer (brain) works the same way. Your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs will be based on the data you enter. Do you read, watch, and listen to the best that is out there? Or waste precious hours watching mindless TV and violent media. For clear productive thinking read fine literature, spend time listening to music, and challenge yourself to learn more.

Sleep on it.  Pay special attention to what you do in the evening before going to bed.  This is actually a great time for learning and attitude rejuvenation.  A recent study in the July 3rd issue of Neuron, showed that people who trained on a new skill or task and then slept a good night’s sleep were 20% more effective than those who trained in the morning and tested later.  Positive brain action tends to continue while we sleep.  Evening is a good time for reading motivational and positive thinking books and information. 

Monday, August 22, 2011

भौतिक सुख

सर्व सोंगे आणता येतात; पण बुद्धिमत्तेचे व पैशाचे सोंग आणता येत नाही व आणले तरी ते फार काळ टिकत नाही...म्हणूनच कल्पनाशक्तीच्या जोरावर  भौतिक सुखासाठी वेगवेगळ्या वाटा धुंडाळत असताना , अंथरून पाहून पाय पसरावे ..अवास्तव अपेक्षा भंगाच ओझं आपणालाच व्हावं लागत .

Sunday, August 21, 2011

self-esteem and self-respect

Your mind, your ability to think, plan and decide, is your most powerful tool for overcoming procrastination and increasing your productivity. Your ability to set your goals, plan and take action on them determines the course of your life. The very act of thinking and planning unlocks your mental powers, triggers your creativity and increases your mental and physical energies.
Your ability to plan well, in advance of beginning, is a measure of your overall competence. The better the plan you have, the easier it is for you to overcome procrastination, to get started , and then to keep going.
One of your top goals at work should be for you to get the highest possible return on your investment of mental, emotional and physical energy. The good news is that every minute spent in planning saves as many as ten minutes in execution. It only takes about ten or twelve minutes for you to plan out your day, but this small investment of time will save you at least two hours (100-120 minutes) in wasted time and diffused effort throughout the day.
When you consider how helpful planning can be in increasing your productivity and performance, it is amazing how few people practice it every single day. And planning is really quite simple to do. All you need is a piece of paper and a pen. The most sophisticated Palm Pilot, computer program or time planner is based on the same principle. It is based on you sitting down and making a to do list of everything you have to do before you begin.
Make Your Lists a Habit
Always work from a list. When something new comes up, add it to the list before you do it. You can increase your productivity and output by 25% or more from the first day that you begin working consistently from a list.
Make out your list the night before, at the end of the workday. Move everything that you have not yet accomplished onto your list for the coming day and then add everything that you have to do the next day. When you make out your list the evening or the night before, your subconscious mind works on your list all night long while you sleep. Often you will wake up with great ideas and insights that you can use to get your job done faster and better than you had initially thought.
The more time you take to make written lists of everything you have to do, in advance, the more effective and efficient you will be.
Types of Lists
There are different lists that you need for different purposes. First, you should create a master list on which you write down everything you can think of that you want to do some time in the future. This is the place where you capture every idea that comes to or every new task or responsibility that comes up.  You can then sort out the items later.
Second, you should have a monthly list that you make up at the end of the month for the month ahead.  This may contain items transferred from your master list.
Third, you should have a weekly list where you plan your entire week in advance. This is a list that is under construction as you go through the current week.
Finally, you transfer items from your monthly and weekly lists onto your daily list. These are the specific activities that you are going to accomplish that day.
As you work through the day, tick off the items on your list as you complete them. This activity gives you a visual picture of accomplishment. It generates a feeling of success and forward motion.  Seeing yourself working progressively through your list motivates and energizes you. It raises your self-esteem and self-respect. Steady, visible progress propels you forward and helps you to overcome procrastination.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


Why are some amongst us so energetic and look forward while the rest are on the opposite?

When Daniel Goleman was researching his path breaking book on Emotional Intelligence he found that all great achievers have one thing in common which is the intense passion to work. When you love your job, you discover that you will never have to work another day in your life. Your work will be your play and the hours will slip away as quickly as they came.

 If you are committed, passionate and love your work then nothing could stop you from achieving the desired results. Every machine or apparatus we use in our daily life is because of the love for work which has shaped them.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


"The only thing that burns in hell, Is the part of you that won't let go of your life. Your memories, your attachements, They burn'em all away. But they're not punishing you . They're freeing your soul."
So, if your frightened of dying, and your holding on. You'll see devils tearing your life away. If you've made your peace, then the devils are really angels,... Freeing you from the earth."

Saturday, August 6, 2011

HappY Friend SHip DaY !!

 It's amazing when strangers become friends,.. but its sad when friends become strangers.. I never want to lose you my friend.. I met you as a stranger. Now i have you as a friend. I hope we meet in our next walk of life where friendship never ends HappY Friend SHip DaY... to all...:-)

    Friday, July 29, 2011

    दिव्यमयी पक्षिणी

    माझी आई जशी ,वणव्यातील पक्षिणी
    पेटला वणवा आपत्तीचा
    छत्र उडाले सौभाग्याचे
    फडफड फडफड फडफडली
    तडफड तडफड तडफडली
    जशी वणव्यातील पक्षिणी ||

    वणवा विझला ,सारे खाक झाले
    राख झाली पतीविण आयुष्याची
    तरी भस्म कपाळी लेवून, सरसावली
    चिमणी चारा शोधण्यासाठी
    जशी लेकुरवाळी पक्षिणी ||

    कष्ट कष्टली वणवण फिरली
    झीज झीज झिजली मृत यातना या , जिवंतपणी
    त्यागाच्या आहुतीत ,धूप तिचा सुगंधीमयी
    मातृवात्साल्यासाठी , एका पायावर उभी ही , दिव्यमयी पक्षिणी ||


    Memorable Quotes

    • “We are not enemies but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic cords of memory shall swell when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of nature."
    --Abraham Lincoln

    • “When I do good, I feel good; when I do bad, I feel bad, and that is my religion.”
    --Abraham Lincoln

    Are you an adopter or an adapter?

    An early adopter seeks out new ideas and makes them work.

    An adapter, on the other hand, puts up with what he has to, begrudgingly.

    One is offense, the other is defense. One requires the spark of curiousity, the other is associated with fear, or at least hassle.

    Monday, June 27, 2011

    If you want to earn professional credibility -
        learn how to keep your word. Don't say things you can't do.

    Friday, June 24, 2011

    मैं ब्राह्मण हूँ, हूँ, हूँ. छूना मत.

    मैं हिन्दू हूँ, जी हाँ एक हिन्दू,
    कुछ गलत रुढ़ियों एवं प्रथाओं का एक बिन्दू,
    हाँ मैं एक हिन्दू.
    हिन्दू तक तो ठीक था,पर जानते नहीं,
    मैं हिन्दू में ही हूँ, ब्राह्मण, पंडित, चंदनधारी,
    अच्छे कर्मों का अधिकारी.
    छूना मत मेरा भोजन वर्ना वह अपवित्र कहलाएगा,
    मैं रह जाऊँगा भूखा-भूखा, जानते नहीं,
    तूझे मेरा भोजन छिनने का पाप लग जाएगा.
    मैं भी जानता हूँ, इस अन्न को तूने ही उगाया है,
    कूट-पीसकर चावल बनाया है,
    ये मिर्च व मसाले हैं तेरे खेत के,
    नमक को भी तूने ही सुखाया है.
    जहाँ तक है इस बरतन का सवाल,
    तूने ही दिया इसको यह आकार.
    कुछ भी हो तुम क्षुद्र ही तो हो,
    पर मैं तुमसे ऊँचा हूँ, ब्राह्मण हूँ.
    ये ठीक है इस कूप को खोदने में,
    हर जीव को जल देने में,
    तूने खून-पसीना एक किया,
    पर अब अपना लोटा ना डुबा,
    इस वक्त इसे ना करो अपवित्र,
    पहले मुझे जल भर लेने दो,
    हींकभर पी लेने दो, वर्ना
    मैं जल बिन मीन हो जाऊँगा.
    देखो कितनी तेज बारिश है,
    मैं भीग रहा हूँ, निकलो झोपड़ी से बाहर,
    मैं कैसे बैठूँ तेरे साथ, अपवित्र हो जाऊँगा.
    ब्राह्मण हूँ.
    मैंने कब कहा कि ये कपड़े,
    जो मैंने पहने हैं, तूने नहीं बनाए,
    अरे साफ कर दिए तो क्या हुआ,
    यह अपवित्र हुआ ?
    पर मेरे छूने से पवित्र हुआ,
    मैं इतना देखता चलूँ तो पागल हो जाऊँगा,
    देख ! इसे अब मत छूना,मैं ब्राह्मण हूँ.
    आओ बैठो पैर दबाओ,थोड़ा ठंडा तेल लगाओ,
    करो धीरे-धीरे मालिश,दूँगा तूझे ढेर आशीष,
    पर तुम मुझको छूना नहीं,अपवित्र हो जाऊँगा.
    ब्राह्मण हूँ.
    मैं मानता हूँ, तेरे बिन मैं जी नहीं सकता,
    हर वक्त,हर क्षण मुझे तेरी जरूरत है,
    जबतक तू ना देता बनाकर शादी का डाल,
    नहीं हो सकता मेरा शुभविवाह.
    पर मैं तुमसे ऊँचा हूँ, ब्राह्मण हूँ.
    मेरी माँ भी कहती थी, मेरे पैदा होने के वक्त,
    तू माँ के पास रह रही थी,अरे यह क्या ?
    मेरे जमीं पर गिरने के वक्त तो,
    माँ दर्द से छटपटा रही थी,
    उस समय तू मुझे सीने से लगाए,
    प्रेम से चुमचाट रही थी.
    पर देख अब मुझे मत छूना, ब्राह्मण हूँ.
    मैंने धारण किए जनेऊ,माथे पर चंदन,
    करुँगा प्रभु का पूजन,
    पर तू कर पहले मेरा पूजन,
    मैं ब्राह्मण हूँ.
    मैं स्पष्ट कहता हूँ,
    तेरी कृपा से ही जिंदा रहता हूँ,
    पर इससे क्या,यह तेरा एहसान नहीं,
    मेरा ही एहसान है तुझपर.
    मैं ब्राह्मण हूँ, हूँ, हूँ. छूना मत.
    अपवित्र हो जाऊँगा.

    Saturday, June 11, 2011

    If you suspect a man, don't employ him, and if you employ him, don't suspect him

    Thursday, June 9, 2011

    असा माणूस स्वातंत्र्यवीर असू शकतो?


    THOUGH every record leap to light, he never shall be shamed, goes an old saying. In V.D. Savarkar's case, every record disclosed exposes his deceit, venom and addiction to murder. He died in 1966. The next year, Gopal Godse, brother of Gandhi's assassin, Nathuram, and his co-conspirator, revealed in his book Gandhi Hatya Ani Mee ("Gandhi's murder and I") the close relationship between Savarkar and Nathuram which both were at pains to conceal at the Gandhi murder trial. Savarkar was acquitted by the Sessions Judge, though the approver Badge's evidence was found to be completely reliable, only because the law required independent corroboration. That came in 1970 in the report of Gandhi's assassination by Justice J. L. Kapur, a former Judge of the Supreme Court. He found a "conspiracy to murder by Savarkar and his group". Savarkar's bodyguard, Appa Ramachandra Kasar, and his secretary, Gajanan Vishnu Damle, did not testify in court. They spilled the beans before Justice Kapur only after Savarkar's death. He had, besides, a mass of other evidence which was not available to the court.
    In 1975, the Ministry of Education of the Government of India published a book based on archival material. Entitled Penal Settlements in Andamans, it was written by R.C. Majumdar, a historian notorious for his communal bias. He stretched everything he could in Savarkar's favour; but he could not suppress the documents. They exposed Savarkar completely. It was the first revelation of the many abject apologies and undertakings to the government of the day which the Sangh Parivar's icon had made throughout his career. In him it discovered an icon who reflected its values eloquently.
    After his conviction for the murder of A.T.M. Jackson, Collector of Nashik district, who was "sympathetic towards Indian aspirations", Savarkar was brought to the Andamans in 1911. This was the only murder he had conspired to commit for which he was punished. He got away with the other three Curzon-Wylie of the India Office in 1909; attempted murder of the Acting Governor of Bombay, Ernest Hotson, in 1931 (he was saved by his bullet-proof vest); and Gandhi's on January 30, 1948. In each case, the trigger was pulled by someone else; the assassin was prodded by Savarkar.
    Here is a list of the apologies and undertakings which Savarkar offered from 1911 to 1950, a heroic record of four decades for which his portrait was put up in Parliament House by his political heirs to face that of the man he had conspired to kill - Gandhi.
    1. Savarkar was lodged in the Cellular Jail on July 4, 1911. Within six months, he submitted a petition for mercy.
    2. In October 1913, the Home Member of the Viceroy's Executive Council, Sir Reginald Craddock, visited the Jail and met Savarkar among others. His note of November 23, 1913, recorded Savarkar's pleas for mercy. Savarkar had submitted his second mercy petition on November 14, 1913: "I am ready to serve the Government in any capacity they like... . Where else can the prodigal son return but to the parental doors of the Government?", the `revolutionary' and `nationalist' wrote (emphasis added, throughout). Craddock accurately recorded "Savarkar's petition is one for mercy". That formulation was repeated in the petitions that followed.
    3. On March 22, 1920, a Savarkar supporter, G.S. Khoparde, tabled questions in the Imperial Legislative Council, one of which read: "Is it not a fact that Mr. Savarkar and his brother had once in 1915 and at another time in 1918 submitted petitions to Government stating that they would, during the continuance of war, serve the Empire by enlisting in the Army, if released, and would, after the passing of the Reforms Bill, try to make the Act a success and would stand by law and order?" The Home Member Sir William Vincent replied: "Two petitions were received from Vinayak Damodar Savarkar - one in 1914 and another in 1917, through the Superintendent, Port Blair. In the former he offered his services to Government during the war in any capacity and prayed that a general amnesty be granted to all political prisoners. The second petition was confined to the latter proposal." Thus there was one in 1917 besides that of 1913 which is perhaps the one Vincent referred to as one of 1914; perhaps not because Savarkar referred to two others of 1914 and 1918.
    4. The document published here for the first time, dated March 30, 1920, supplied an omission in the writer's book. It is craven. He begged for "a last chance to submit his case before it is too late". Vincent disclosed that Savarkar had recovered from dysentery five months earlier. His life was not in danger. He demeaned himself by citing cases of fellow prisoners, Aurobindo Ghosh's brother Barin and others. "They had even in Port Blair been suspected of a serious plot." He was the loyalist. "So far from believing in the militant school of the type, I do not contribute even to the peaceful and philosophical anarchism of a Kuropatkin [sic.] or a Tolstoy. And as to my revolutionary tendencies in the past:- it is not only now for the object of sharing the clemency but years before this have I informed of and written to the Government in my petitions (1918, 1914) about my firm intention to abide by the constitution and stand by it as soon as a beginning was made to frame it by Mr. Montagu. Since that the Reforms and then the Proclamation have only confirmed me in my views and recently I have publicly avowed my faith in and readiness to stand by the side of orderly and constitutional development."
    He added for good measure: "I am sincere in expressing my earnest intention of treading the constitutional path and trying my humble best to render the hands of the British dominion a bond of love and respect and a mutual help. Such an Empire as is foreshadowed in the Proclamation wins my hearty adherence." So much for his nationalism.
    Savarkar concluded: "I and my brother are perfectly willing to give a pledge of not participating in politics for a definite and reasonable period that the Government would indicate... .This or any pledge, e.g., of remaining in a particular province or reporting our movements to the police for a definite period after our release - any such reasonable conditions meant genuinely to ensure the safety of the State would be gladly accepted by me and my brother."
    5. The pattern of demeaning apologies and abject undertakings is reflected in all undertakings that followed including the one he gave in 1924 which was published in Frontline (April 7, 1995).
    6. On February 22, 1948, to the Commissioner of Police, Bombay, in order to avert prosecution for Gandhi's murder: "I shall refrain from taking part in any communal or political public activity for any period the Government may require."
    7. On July 13, 1950, to Chief Justice M.C. Chagla and Justice P.B. Gajendragadkar of the Bombay High Court: "... would not take any part whatever in political activity and would remain in my house in Bombay" for a year. He resigned as president of the Hindu Mahasabha.
    Marzia Casolari reproduced minutes of a meeting between Savarkar and the Viceroy Lord Linlithgow, on October 9, 1939, when the `nationalist' said "our interests were now the same and we must therefore work together"; against Gandhi and the Congress, no doubt (vide her article "Hindutva's Foreign Tie-up in the 1930s", Economic and Political Weekly, January 22, 2000).
    Disclosures haunt his heirs also. A.B. Vajpayee's speech on December 5, 1992, on the eve of the demolition of the Babri Masjid was published in Outlook (February 28, 2005). Maloy Krishna Dhar's book Open Secrets, published almost simultaneously, exposes L.K. Advani's complicity (pages 442-443).
    When every record leaps to light, they shall ever be shamed.

    Imperial Legislative Council.
    Rejection of petition to release Savarkar.
    The 30th March 1920.
    In view of the recent statement of the Hon'ble Member for the Home Department to the Government of India, to the effect that "the Government was willing to consider the papers of any individual, and give them their best consideration if they were brought before them"; and that "as soon as it appeared to the Government that an individual could be released without danger to the State, the Government would extend the Royal clemency to that person," the undersigned most humbly begs that he should be given a last chance to submit his case, before it is too late. You, Sir, at any rate, would not grudge me this last favour of forwarding this petition to His Excellency the Viceroy of India, especially and if only to give me the satisfaction of being heard, whatever the Government decisions may be.
    I. The Royal proclamation most magnanimously states that Royal clemency should be extended to all those who were found guilty of breaking the law "Through their eagerness for Political progress." The cases of me and my brother are pre-eminently of this type. Neither I nor any of my family members had anything to complain against the Government for any personal wrong due to us nor for any personal favour denied. I had a brilliant career open to me and nothing to gain and everything to loose individually by treading such dangerous paths. Suffice it to say, that no less a personage than one of the Hon'ble Members for the Home Department had said, in 1913, to me personally, "... ... Such education so much reading,... ... .. you could have held the highest posts under our Government." If in spite of this testimony any doubts as to my motive does lurk in any one, then to him I beg to point out, that there had been no prosecution against any member of my family till this year 1909; while almost all of my activity which constituted the basis for the case, have been in the years preceding that. The prosecution, the Judges and the Rowlatt Report have all admitted that since the year 1899 to the year 1909 had been written the life of Mazzini and other books, as well organised the various societies and even the parcel of arms had been sent before the arrest of any of my brothers or before I had any personal grievance to complain of (vide Rowlatt Report, pages 6 etc.). But does anyone else take the same view of our cases? Well, the monster petition that the Indian public had sent to His Majesty and that had been signed by no less than 5,000 signatures, had made a special mention of me in it. I had been denied a jury in the trial: now the jury of a whole nation has opined that only the eagerness for political progress had been the motive of all my actions and that led me to the regrettable breaking of the laws.
    II. Nor can this second case of abetting murder throw me beyond the reach of the Royal clemency. For (a) the Proclamation does not make any distinction of the nature of the offence or of a section or of the Court of Justice, beyond the motive of the offence. It concerns entirely with the Motive and requires that it should be political and not personal. (b) Secondly, the Government too has already interpreted it in the same spirit and has released Barin and Hesu and others. These men had confessed that one of the objects of their conspiracy was "the murders of prominent Government officials" and on their own confessions, had been guilty of sending the boys to murder magistrates, etc. This magistrate had among others prosecuted Barin's brother Arabinda in the first "Bande Mataram" newspaper case. And yet Barin was not looked upon, and rightly so, as a non-political murderer. In my respect the objection is immensely weaker. For it was justly admitted by the prosecution that I was in England, had no knowledge of the particular plot or idea of murdering Mr. Jackson and had sent the parcels of arms before the arrest of my brother and so could not have the slightest personal grudge against any particular individual officer. But Hem had actually prepared the very bomb that killed the Kennedys and with a full knowledge of its destination. (Rowlatt Report, page 33). Yet Hem had not been thrown out of the scope of the clemency on that ground. If Barin and others were not separately charged for specific abetting, it was only because they had already been sentenced to capital punishment in the Conspiracy case; and I was specifically charged because I was not, and again for the international facilities to have me extradited in case France got me back. Therefore I humbly submit that the Government be pleased to extend the clemency to me as they had done it to Barin and Hem whose complicity in abetting the murders of officers, etc., was confessed and much deeper. For surely a section does not matter more than the crime it contemplates. In the case of my brother this question does not arise as his case has nothing to do with any murders, etc.
    III. Thus interpreting the proclamation as the Government had already done in the cases of Barin, Hem, etc. I and my brother are fully entitled to the Royal clemency "in the fullest measure." But is it compatible with public safety? I submit it is entirely so. For (a) I most emphatically declare that we are not amongst "the microlestes of anarchism" referred to by the Home Secretary. So far from believing in the militant school of the type that I do not contribute even to the peaceful and philosophical anarchism of a Kuropatkin or a Tolstoy. And as to my revolutionary tendencies in the past:- it is not only now for the object of sharing the clemency but years before this have I informed of and written to the Government in my petitions (1918, 1914) about my firm intention to abide by the constitution and stand by it as soon as a beginning was made to frame it by Mr. Montagu. Since that the Reforms and then the Proclamation have only confirmed me in my views and recently I have publicly avowed my faith in and readiness to stand by the side of orderly and constitutional development. The danger that is threatening our country from the north at the hands of the fanatic hordes of Asia who had been the curse of India in the past when they came as foes, and who are more likely to be so in the future now that they want to come as friends, makes me convinced that every intelligent lover of India would heartily and loyally co-operate with the British people in the interests of India herself. That is why I offered myself as a volunteer in 1914 to Government when the war broke out and a German-Turko-Afghan invasion of India became imminent. Whether you believe it or not, I am sincere in expressing my earnest intention of treading the constitutional path and trying my humble best to render the hands of the British dominion a bond of love and respect and of mutual help. Such an Empire as is foreshadowed in the Proclamation, wins my hearty adherence. For verily I hate no race or creed or people simply because they are not Indians!
    (b) But if the Government wants a further security from me then I and my brother are perfectly willing to give a pledge of not participating in politics for a definite and reasonable period that the Government would indicate. For even without such a pledge my failing health and the sweet blessings of home that have been denied to me by myself make me so desirous of leading a quiet and retired life for years to come that nothing would induce me to dabble in active politics now.
    (c) This or any pledge, e.g., of remaining in a particular province or reporting our movements to the police for a definite period after our release - any such reasonable conditions meant genuinely to ensure the safety of the State would be gladly accepted by me and my brother. Ultimately, I submit, that the overwhelming majority of the very people who constitute the State which is to be kept safe from us have from Mr. Surendranath, the venerable and veteran moderate leader, to the man in the street, the press and the platform, the Hindus and the Muhammadans - from the Punjab to Madras - been clearly persistently asking for our immediate and complete release, declaring it was compatible with their safety. Nay more, declaring it was a factor in removing the very `sense of bitterness' which the Proclamation aims to allay.
    IV. Therefore the very object of the Proclamation would not be fulfilled and the sense of bitterness removed, I warn the public mind, until we two and those who yet remain have been made to share the magnanimous clemency.
    V. Moreover, all the objects of a sentence have been satisfied in our case. For (a) we have put in 10 to 11 years in jail, while Mr. Sanyal, who too was a lifer, was released in 4 years and the riot case lifers within a year; (b) we have done hard work, mills, oil mills and everything else that was given to us in India and here; (c) our prison behaviour is in no way more objectionable than of those already released; they had, even in Port Blair, been suspected of a serious plot and locked up in jail again. We two, on the contrary, have to this day been under extra rigorous discipline and restrain and yet during the last six years or so there is not a single case even on ordinary disciplinary grounds against us.
    VI. In the end, I beg to express my gratefulness for the release of hundreds of political prisoners including those who have been released from the Andamans, and for thus partially granting my petitions of 1914 and 1918. It is not therefore too much to hope that His Excellency would release the remaining prisoners too, as they are placed on the same footing, including me and my brother. Especially so as the political situation in Maharastra has singularly been free from any outrageous disturbances for so many years in the past. Here, however, I beg to submit that our release should not be made conditional on the behaviour of those released or of anybody else; for it would be preposterous to deny us the clemency and punish us for the fault of someone else.
    VII. On all these grounds, I believe that the Government, hearing my readiness to enter into any sensible pledge and the fact that the Reforms, present and promised, joined to common danger from the north of Turko-Afghan fanatics have made me a sincere advocate of loyal co-operation in the interests of both our nations, would release me and win my personal gratitude. The brilliant prospects of my early life all but too soon blighted, have constituted so painful a source of regret to me that a release would be a new birth and would touch my heart, sensitive and submissive, to kindness so deeply as to render me personally attached and politically useful in future. For often magnanimity wins even where might fails.
    Hoping that the Chief Commissioner, remembering the personal regard I ever had shown to him throughout his term and how often I had to face keen disappointment throughout that time, will not grudge me this last favour of allowing this most harmless vent to my despair and will be pleased to forward this petition - may I hope with his own recommendations? - to His Excellency the Viceroy of India.
    I beg to remain,
    Your most obedient servant,
    (Sd.) V.D. Savarkar,
    Convict no. 32778.
    © National Archives of India

    The writer is grateful to the National Archives of India for furnishing him, at his request, with a copy of this revealing document. It fills an omission in his book Savarkar and Hindutva (Left-Word, 2002).

    Wednesday, June 8, 2011


    A man who works with his hands is a laborer; a man who works with his hands and his brain is
     a craftsman; but a man who works with his hands and his brain and his heart is an artist

    Tuesday, May 31, 2011


    2 GET and 2 GIVE creates 2 many problems.

    But . . . . . . . .  just double it . . .  and ,

    4 GET and 4 GIVE solves all the problems ! 

    Monday, May 30, 2011

    अब केवल मानसून हि सहारा! बरसो रे मेघा...बरसो!

    आतंकवाद पर पाकिस्तान के अड़ियल रवैये, काला धन पर सरकारी कवायद और 2 जी घोटाले में हो रही हाई प्रोफाइल गिरफ्तारियों के बीच एक अच्छी खबर है कि मानसून ने केरल में दस्तक दे दी है। अरब सागर में बनेसाइक्लोन सिस्टम ने उसे सक्रिय कर दिया है और यह अभी केरल के अलावा तमिलनाडु, अंडमान, आंध्र प्रदेश मेें जलवे दिखा रहा है।

    हालांकि उत्तर और मध्य भारत में छिटपुट बारिश को छोड़कर पारा अब भी चालीस डिग्री के आसपास है और उसके जल्दी नीचे उतरने की संभावना भी नहीं है। मगर अंधाधुंध शहरीकरण और औद्योगिकीकरण के चलते मौसम का चक्र जितनी तेजी से बदल रहा है, और प्रकृति के आगे हम जिस तरह से अपनी बाजी हारते जा रहे हैं, उसमें मानसून की आहट सुकून देने वाली है।

    अमूमन भारत में मानसून पहली जून को अरब सागर के रास्ते से केरल के तटीय इलाकों में दस्तक देता है, और इस बार भी भारतीय मौसम विभाग ने इसके 31 मई तक वहां पहुंचने की भविष्यवाणी की थी, मगर वह तीन दिन पहले ही आ धमका। केरल पहुंचने के दस दिन बाद वह मुंबई पहुंचता है और 29 जून के आसपास दिल्ली। राहत की बात यह भी है कि मौसम विभाग ने इस साल मानसून के सामान्य रहने की उम्मीद जताई है। यदि उसके आंकड़ों पर गौर करें, तो जून से सितंबर के दौरान मानसून के चार महीनों में देश भर में औसतन 89 सेमी बारिश होती है।

    अनुमान है कि इस बार बारिश पचास साल के औसत के 98 फीसदी के करीब हो सकती है। असल में भारत के लिए मानसून का खास महत्व है, क्योंकि देश की 70 फीसदी से ज्यादा खेती उसी पर निर्भर है, और जीडीपी का 17 फीसदी खेती पर। यानी अच्छी बारिश का मतलब है, अच्छी फसल और उसका मतलब है, अर्थव्यवस्था की मजबूती। अभी इसका महत्व इसलिए भी है, क्योंकि सरकार लाख कोशिशों के बावजूद महंगाई पर काबू नहीं पा सकी है। यह अब भी दो अंकों के करीब है। इस साल 8.5 फीसदी आर्थिक विकास दर का लक्ष्य देख रहे प्रधानमंत्री ने भी कहा है कि यदि मानसून सामान्य रहता है, तो महंगाई को काबू करने में मदद मिलेगी।

    हमारे यहां धान, तिलहन, गन्ना और कपास जैसी फसलें तो तकरीबन बारिश के पानी पर ही निर्भर हैं, इसलिए मानसून को लेकर हमारी विवशता समझी जा सकती है। इससे हमारी अदूरदर्शिता भी पता चलती है, क्योंकि न तो हम बारिश के पानी के संरक्षण का पुख्ता इंतजाम कर सके हैं और न ही बदलते मौसम के अनुरूप कृषि क्षेत्र में पर्याप्त अनुसंधान। इस वक्त तो मानसून ही हमारा सहारा है।

    Sunday, May 29, 2011

    किधर जाता है सांसद निधि?

    यह सूचना अब बहुत हैरान नहीं करती कि सांसद निधि के इस्तेमाल के प्रति हमारे ज्यादातर संसद सदस्य उदासीन हैं। मास फॉर अवेयरनेस नाम की गैरसरकारी संस्था की ताजा रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक, 15वीं लोकसभा में 2010-11 के दौरान आधे से अधिक सांसदों ने ढंग से इस निधि का इस्तेमाल नहीं किया। जबकि 20 सांसदों ने तो इस अवधि में एक धेला भी खर्च नहीं किया! यह कोई नई बात नहीं। सांसदों के दबाव पर 1993-94 में जब इस निधि की शुरुआत हुई, तो इसके पीछे स्थानीय विकास कार्यों के जरिये अपना वोट बैंक मजबूत करने का ही इरादा था।

    जबकि सांसद निधि अपने मूल रूप में लोकतंत्र के मानकों के ही विपरीत है ः सांसदों का काम कानून बनाना और नीतियां तय करना है, उन पर अमल तो नौकरशाही का कर्तव्य है। लेकिन सांसद निधि के जरिये सड़केंआदि बनवाकर हमारे जनप्रतिनिधि वस्तुतः नौकरशाही के काम में ही हस्तक्षेप करते आ रहे हैं। यह भी अद्भुत विरोधाभास है कि एक ओर सांसद निधि बढ़ती गई, दूसरी तरफ इसके प्रति सांसदों का रुझान घटता गया। सांसद निधि खर्च न करने की कई वजहें हैं। ज्यादातर सांसदों के पास न तो समय होता है और न ही अपने क्षेत्र के बारे में पूरी जानकारी। अनेक सांसदों को बाद के दिनों में यह निधि परेशानी लगने लगी।

    उनका तर्क है कि एक जगह विकास कार्य कराओ, तो दूसरे इलाके के लोग नाराज हो जाते हैं। चूंकि सांसद निधि खर्च करने के पीछे अपनी छवि चमकाने की मंशा ज्यादा है, स्थानीय विकास की सदिच्छा कम, इसलिए ज्यादातर राज्यसभा सांसद तो इसे खर्च करने के बारे में सोचते भी नहीं, क्योंकि उनके लिए चुनाव में खड़े होने की बाध्यता नहीं है। सवाल यह है कि जब आधे सांसद इसके प्रति उदासीन हैं, तो इसे जारी रखने का क्या औचित्य है। जब इसमें भी भ्रष्टाचार और भाई-भतीजावाद की शिकायतें आम हैं, तो इसे खत्म ही क्यों न कर दिया जाए? कैग ने अपनी रिपोर्टों में बताया है कि अनेक राज्यों में इस निधि का बेजा इस्तेमाल होता है।

    प्रशासनिक सुधार आयोग सांसद-विधायक निधि खत्म करने की सिफारिश कर ही चुका है। राष्ट्रीय सलाहकार समिति भी इसे खत्म कर इसका पैसा राज्य सरकारों को विकास कार्यों के लिए देने की बात कह चुकी है। इन्हीं तर्कों के आधार बिहार में नीतीश सरकार ने विधायक निधि खत्म करने का साहसी फैसला किया। पर उसका अनुकरण तो दूर, उलटे राशि बढ़ाने की जब-तब मांग होती है। सांसद निधि बढ़ाकर अब सालाना पांच करोड़ रुपये कर दी गई है।अपने हित में दलीय झगड़े छोड़ एकजुट होने वाले सांसदों से यह उम्मीद भी नहीं की जा सकती कि वे खुद सांसद निधि को खत्म करेंगे।
     When You Focus On PROBLEMS, You wil Have More PROBLEMS but When You Focus on POSSiBiLiTiES, You will Have More OPPORTUNiTiES...! Now it's All Up to You that you Focus on which thing.........?

    Saturday, May 28, 2011

    स्वप्नांचा गाव

    नेहमीच डोक्याने विचार करु नये
    कधी भावनांनाही वाव द्यावा
    आसुसलेल्या डोळ्यांना
    स्वप्नांचा गाव द्यावा

    बाळ गंगाधर टिळक"लोकमान्य" नाहीच!

    बाळ गंगाधर टिळक हे खरेच "लोकमान्य" होते का? इतिहासाची पाने तर काही वेगळेच सांगतात. टिळकांनी देशसेवेचा चक्क धंदा केला. टिळक हे अत्यंत गरीब होते . जत्रेत टिळा लाऊन त्यांचे पूर्वज गुजराण करत त्यावरून त्यांचे नाव टिळक पडले. कर्मदरिद्री टिळक जनतेची संपत्ती हडप करून अब्जोपती झाले.. टिळक मेले त्यावेळी कुटुंबासाठी अब्जावधीची संपत्ती सोडून गेले. टिळकांचे नातू जयवंत टिळक यांनी "मी जयवंत टिळक " या पुस्तकात संपतीचा तपशील दिला आहे." लोकमान्यांनी आपल्या मृत्युपत्रानुसार आपला वाडा, सिंहगडावरील बंगला, लातूरची जिनिंग, गीता रहस्याचे हक्क, विम्याचे पैसे, भरपूर दागिने वगैरे मालमत्ता मुलांना दिली होती. वाड्यातील केसरीच्या भागाचे भाडे ,विम्याचे पैसे या खेरीज आपल्या मुलांना दरमहा २०० रुपये मिळतील अशी सोय केली होती"

    महाराज सयाजीराव गायकवाड यांनी राहायला दिलेला गायकवाड वाडा टिळकांनी हडपला. वर्तमान वारसदारांनी त्याचे नाव बदलून टिळक वाडा असे केले आहे .तानाजी मालुसरे या मर्द मावळ्याने बलिदान देऊन सिंहगड जिंकला त्यांचे वंशज आज गडावर ताक आणि दही विकून जगतात.टिळकचा बंगला सिंहगडावर आहे. 

    जनतेची संपती हडप करणारा , वैदिक ब्राम्हणी परंपरेचा कट्टर पुरस्कर्ता असलेला, शिवरायांची टिंगल करणारा, स्त्री शिक्षणाच्या विरोधात असलेला बाळ गंगाधर टिळक कोणी "लोकमान्य" ठरविला ? या टिळकाचा असली चेहरा का समोर आला नाही? याच टिळकाने"कुणबटांना लोकसभेत नांगर हाकायचं काय? वाण्यांना काय तागडी धरायची काय? माळ्यांना काय फुल लावायची काय?" असे प्रश्न विचारले होते. परंतु आपल्या अभ्यासक्रमात त्याच्या बद्दल "स्वराज्य हा माझा जन्मसिद्ध अधिकार आहे आणि तो मी मिळविणारच" हे शिकविले जाते. तो कोणाच्या स्वराज्याची मागणी करीत होता हे यातून स्पष्ट होते. प्रबोधनकारांनी तर या टिळकला चक्क कुत्रे म्हटले आहे . पहा काय म्हणतात प्रबोधनकार . "ज्यांना ज्यांना हरिभक्तपरायण ठरविले ते ह.भ.प. मग ते शुक्रवारपेठेत त्रिकाळ फेरफटका करणारे वारयोशिता परायण असले, तरी त्याबद्दल कोणी ब्र ही काढता कामा नये. त्यांनी एखाद्याला देशभक्त ठरवल्याशिवाय तो दे.भ. असणे किंवा होणेच शक्य नाही; मग जातीने तो कितीही नीच दानतीचा आणि कवडीमोल अकलेचा असला तरी हरकत नाही. जसे किस्ती होण्यासाठी जार्डन नदीच्या पाण्याचा "कुरूस" छातीवर व टाळक्यावर पाद्री भटाच्या हातून काढून घ्यावा लागते, त्याप्रमाणे ज्याला देशभक्त व्हायचे असेल त्याने पुण्याच्या राष्ट्रीय शुक्रवार क्लबच्या थालेपीठ भजांची दीक्षा घेऊन महिना पंधरा दिवस तेथील कचोपकचांची शागिर्दी केली कि बस्स ! तत्काळ तो दे. भ. बनतो. विद्वतेची, देशभक्तीची, सुधारणेची वैगरे सर्व गोष्टींची ताम्रपते येथून मिळाल्याशिवाय जगात- म्हणजे महाराष्ट्रात कोणीही मानवाचा कारटा विद्वान देशभक्त आणि निष्काम कर्मयोगी निपजुच शकायचा नाही. असा एक अलिखित कायदा झाला आहे. या कायद्याला विरोध करून कोणी आपली स्वतंत्र बाण्याची मते प्रतिपादन करू लागला तर त्याचे वाभाडे काढायला आमचे "पुणेकर केसरी" महाराजसुद्धा आपले सिंहाचे भाडोत्री कातडे व मुखवटा पार फेकून देऊन, लूत लागून पिसाळलेल्या कुत्र्यासारखे भुंकू लागतात. मग त्यांच्या प्रभावलीतल्या पोसलेल्या गर्दभांच्या लाथा दुगाण्यांचा खडखडाट आणि धडपडाट काय वर्णन करा? स्वतःच्या हातात दर्भाइन काही सत्ता नसताना हे भिशुकशाहीचे पुणेरी भूत आपल्या राष्ट्रीय गुंडगिरीचा धिंगाणा घालताना जर ढुंगणाचे सोडून डोक्याला गुंडाळायला कमी करीत नाही, तर उद्या खऱ्याखोट्या लोकशाहीच्या कॉन्सिलात यांच्या प्राबल्याची शीग जर उंची वर चढली तर ते सर्वांच्या डोक्यावर मिरे वाटून विसाव्या शतकात पुनश्च पेशवाई पाट्यावरवांठ्याचा जीर्णोद्धार कशावरून करणार नाहीत, याची हमी कोणत्या विमा कंपनीने घेतली आहे ? (भिशुक शाहीचे बंड मूळ आवृत्ती पृष्ठ ५० - ५१ )

    Friday, May 27, 2011

    गद्दार क्रिकेटपटू!!

    स्वतःचा लिलाव करून आयपीएल मध्ये जोशात खेळणारे क्रिकेटपटू आता अचानक जखमी होऊन वेस्ट इंडीज दौऱ्यातून माघार घेऊ लागले आहेत. शाहरुखखानच्या टीमसाठी कालपर्यंत जोशात खेळलेल्या गौतम गंभीरचा आता खांदा दुखायला लागला आहे.अंबानीसेठच्या टीमसाठी खेळणाऱ्या सचिन आणि इतर काही जेष्ठ खेळाडूंनी आधीच शेपूट गुंडाळून ठेवले आहे. देशापेक्षा सेठ लोकांच्या आयपीएलला हे हरामखोर खेळाडू महत्व देतात हे उघड झाले आहे. आता वेस्ट इंडीज दौऱ्यावर जाईल तो दुय्यम तिय्यम दर्जाचा संघ !! देशासोबत ही गद्दारी नाही का? सचिनला भारतरत्न द्या म्हणणाऱ्या महामानवांकडे याचे काय उत्तर आहे?

    बाळासाहेबांच्या लाडक्या सूनबाई निघाल्या ‘बाबरी’ बनवायला !!

    शिवसेनाप्रमुख बाळासाहेब ठाकरे आपल्या स्वताच्या घराला सांभाळू शकलेले नाहीत . कुठे राज तर कुठे स्मिता . कुठे जयदेव तर कुठे रमेश ठाकरे..कुणाचा पायपोस कुणात नाही ! ते असो, तर आता बाळासाहेबांच्या लाडक्या सूनबाई ‘बाबरी’ बनवायला निघाल्या आहेत, बाबरी पाडायला गेलेल्या शिवसैनिकांचे जा...हीर अभिनंदन करणा-या शिवसेनाप्रमुख बाळासाहेब ठाकरे यांची सून, सिनेनिर्मात्या स्मिता ठाकरे या आता ‘ बाबरी ’ नावाचा सिनेमा काढणार आहे. मात्र बाबरीविषयी शिवसेना आणि बाळासाहेबांची भूमिका मांडणारा हा सिनेमा नसेल असं स्मिता ठाकरे यांनी स्पष्ट केलय.
    ६ डिसेंबर ९२ रोजी बाबरी पाडल्यानंतर भारतीय समाज आणि राजकारणाला ढवळून निघाला. मुंबईसह देशभरात अनेक ठिकाणी दंगेधोपे झाले. हजारो माणसं मारली गेली. अनेकांचे संसार उध्वस्त झाले. देश ढवळून काढणारा बाबरी कांड हा नंतर रुपेरी पडद्याचाही विषय झाला. बाबरी कांडाची पार्श्वभूमी असलेले ‘ बॉम्बे ’ आणि ‘ ब्लॅक फ्रायडे ’ हे सिनेमे विशेष लोकप्रिय ठरले. मात्र या सिनेमांना अनेक वादाचा सामना करावा लागला होता.
    या सिनेमामुळे जखमांवरच्या खपल्या उसवल्या जाणार नाहीत का? प्रेतांच्या ढीगारावर बसून लोकां/चे मनोरंजन करण्याची ठाकरे घराण्याची हौस कधी भागेल कोणास ठाऊक ? आपल्याला काय वाटते ?


    आज मुंबईतील सुप्रसिद्ध डॉ. रवी बापट, यशवंतराव चव्हाण प्रतिष्ठानचे
    व्यवस्थापक विजय देसाई, ब्रिगेडीयर सुधीर सावंत, सुप्रसिद्ध गायिका धनश्री गणात्रा , माझे मित्र सूचित हसबनीस आणि मी.... आमची गप्पांची दिलखुलास
    मैफल जमली होती..... आपल्या आयुष्यात काही दिवस रोजच्यासारखे उगवतात पण
    काही कारणाने खास होऊन जातात.... अविस्मरणीय ठरतात.... आजचा दिवस
    आमच्यासाठी असाच होता.....
    काही व्यक्ती आपल्याला दुरूनच माहित असतात, त्यांच्याबद्दल आपण फक्त ऐकून
    असतो, पण जेव्हा आपण त्यांच्या प्रत्यक्ष संपर्कात अगदी काही क्षणांपुरता
    जातो तेव्हा त्यांच्या व्यक्तिमत्वाचे असंख्य पैलू आपल्याला कळतात...
    डॉ. रवी बापट यांनी स्वताच्या अत्यंत खुमासदार शैलीत, मोजक्या शब्दात
    काही अनुभव सांगितले आणि माणसाने स्वताच्या तत्वांशी तडजोड न करता आयुष्य
    कसे जगावे हे सहजपणे सांगितले.....!!
    . विजय देसाई यांचे प्रदीर्घ अनुभवातून उजळून निघालेले confident
    शब्द, आणि एकदा जो निश्चय केला तो तडीस नेणे हे तत्व... त्यांच्याच
    शब्दात, "एखादी गोष्ट 'उभी करायची' आहे कि 'फक्त चालवायची' आहे हे ठरवून
    त्याप्रमाणे तुमचं नियोजन हवं....."
    आणि ब्रिगेडीयर सावंत सरांबद्दल तर काय बोलावे !! त्यांचा करारी बाणा,
    त्यांचे उमदे व्यक्तिमत्व, सखोल अभ्यास आणि तरीही अत्यंत साधेपणा मनाला
    स्पर्शून गेला.....नेहमीच ...खरेय ना .ब्रिगेडीयर? हा हा हा
    खरं तर आज यशवंतराव चव्हाण प्रतिष्ठान मध्ये खूप महत्वाचा कार्यक्रम
    होता, त्यासाठी मुख्यमंत्री आलेले होते, तरीही या मंडळींनी आम्हाला
    आवर्जून वेळ दिला.... खरच, त्यांचे आभार मानण्यापेक्षा त्यांच्या ऋणातच
    राहणे आम्हाला जास्त आवडेल.......!!!

    एक कविता

    चंद्रास झाकले अन् सूर्यास झाकले पण ..
    या चांदण्यास होती बिलगून एक कविता
    गगनांत वीज असते, डोळ्यांत का नसावी?
    लिहिलीच आसवांनी पेटून एक कविता
    मी घातली जराशी समजूत चांदण्यांची;
    तेंव्हा क्षणांत गेली चमकून एक कविता

    Wednesday, May 25, 2011


    रिश्ते किसी से कुछ यूँ निभा लो !
    की उसके दिल के सारे गम चुरा लो !!
    इतना असर छोर दो किसी पे अपना !
    की हर कोई कहे हमें भी अपना बना लो !

    आपण माणसे

    आपण माणसे असे विसंगत का वागतो? पुस्तकात जे छापलेले आहे ते खरे आहे आणि जे पुस्तकात नाही म्हणजे त्याला आधार नाही, असे समजणारा एक मोठा वर्ग आहे. मात्र हा वर्ग जे ग्रंथात नाही ते देव्हाऱ्यात ठेवायला तयार होतो आणि जे देव्हाऱ्यात आहे ते ग्रंथात नसले तरी त्याला चालते, असे का?
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